This story began in the 1970s. Imagine, a number of young men and women discussing the rights and wrongs of vegetarianism. In those days, it was considered eccentric. The world had not discovered the problems of eating too much red meat nor the health issues of cholesterol. It was a far cry from the food trends of today. The term 'healthy eating' was not in common use. We debated and argued long into the night, and it made me start to think. I wanted to know more about meat production.

I lived in a semi-rural area at the time. Up to that point, my parents' house backed onto a farm, so I was conversant with matters to do with agriculture. I had watched the hay grow and be harvested. Livestock grazed the fields. I had been accepted at Writtle Agricultural College to study for a Degree in Farm Management. Animal husbandry was to be my future before I changed my mind and went off to study photography. It was some years later that I got the opportunity to visit an abattoir and take photographs. It was a learning experience for me. I spent several days trying to capture how I felt about what I saw in my pictures.

Now, in my sixties, I live in Yorkshire surrounded by farms. Milk production and rearing livestock is a way of life for my neighbours. A regular sight are the wagons full of sheep or cattle going to Auction. I find myself thinking back to the time when I went to the abattoir. Documenting everyday aspects of life has been something I have engaged in outside of my professional role. And everyday life is not always easy to photograph especially if it is about the less comfortable aspects. However, they need to be documented as much as any other, which is why I have not shied away from photographing them. The abattoir series is an example.

You may not like this series, but I have simply tried to show what happened and give my response to the process in the pictures. Please do not think unkindly of me if you do not like these pictures. I am simply the 'messenger'. I tried to do my job to the best of my abilities and show what happens. The slaughter of animals for human consumption is a fact of life.

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